12th Annual Bad Christmas Sweater & Mustache Contest.

Sunday, December 13th at Devils Point during Stripparaoke.


Prizes for bad Christmas sweaters & best mustaches!

Grand prize winner will receive $500 cash and their very own quarter page ad in the Portland Mercury along with a nice cash prize!


Hosted by the king of Portland late night - Aaron Ross.

Sponsored by Widmer Brothers Brewing, Pabst Blue Ribbon, Ninkasi Brewing, Jim Beam & Portland Mercury!.


The three different categories include; "fake" 'mustaches (for the ladies - 10pm), mustaches with beards (guys that don't want to shave that epic beard but have an amazing mustache - 11pm) and the best of all, that regular ol' mustache (show us that chin for the grand cash prize - 12am).


Contestants will be selected by the Stripparaoke dancers and host.

Raffle prizes will be announced at 10pm (fake 'staches), 11pm (beards) & 12am (mustaches).
